九州フラワーサービス Kyushu flower service

Q-FLAは“HANA”をテーマに 様々な事業を展開しております。

Q-FLA is developing various businesses under the theme of “HANA”
Kyushu Flower Service (Q-FLA) develops many original products such as bath fragrances and bear bouquets with the theme of flowers.
With the catchphrase “Nice to have! Q-FLA!”, we propose flexible ideas and continue to create new possibilities in the business scene.


  1. グラポート Grapport

  2. 能作 Nousaku

  3. モリサ Morisa

  4. 伊勢藤 ISETO

  5. ロケット石鹸 rocketsoap

  6. ナカヤ化学 Nakaya-kagaku
